Stephen Levine with the RT Hon John Key |
The Prime Minister expressed his relief that the cover featured a tractor, not a teapot as he launched
Kicking the Tyres: The New Zealand General Election and Electoral Referendum of 2011.
The book tells the story of the 2011 election campaign and of the National
Party's success in winning more votes and seats than any other party. Edited by Professor Stephen Levine and Dr Jon
Kicking the Tyres features chapters from representatives of all the
parliamentary parties, and includes a section dealing with the 2011
electoral system referendum. It is accompanied by a DVD featuring
materials such as election photographs; leaders' debates; political
party and electoral commission TV ads.
The Prime Minister lingered to pose for photographs, and even signed a copy of the book for Stephen Levine’s
mother in Florida.
The launch was held at Victoria University’s annual New Zealand Political Studies
Association conference, which brings together political scientists and
graduate students from around New Zealand and overseas to look at topics
including New Zealand politics, electoral systems, international
relations and public policy.
Attendees included contributors Steven Joyce, Grant Robertson, Metiria Turei, Mojo Mathers, Jane Clifton, Colin James, Nigel Roberts, Therese Arseneau, Claire Robinson, Sandra Grey, Stephen Church and Corin Higgs.